Welcome to Baltimore!

Our focus encompasses various areas, and our objectives revolve around key priorities, including: a dedicated emphasis on youth through our Top Teens of America program; striving to enhance and improve the status of women; providing valuable services to senior citizens; contributing to community beautification efforts; and fostering meaningful partnerships within our community.

Our National Thrusts

Top Teens of America

Top Teens of America (TTA) provides all teens regardless of their ethnic or socio-economic status, the opportunity to receive extra-curricular support, career and character development training, along with key community volunteer opportunities. There are currently 108 TTA chapters with over 5,000 Top Teens located throughout the United States making a difference in the community in which they live.

Service to Seniors

The signature program of this thrust is “We Care,” an initiative that will impact seniors who live in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. The focus of this thrust is to enrich the lives of senior citizens by enabling them to continue to be an integral part of their community while keeping their dignity and sense of well being.

Community Partnerships

This thrust strives to create structure for the formation of community partnerships that simultaneously meet the goals of Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated by ensuring excellence, flexibility and accountability by engaging in mutually collaborative arrangements with corporate sponsors, governmental entities and other community organizations in addressing issues of concerns for youth and adults. The signature program of this thrust is “Joining Forces,” an initiative that will impact residents by providing enhanced services to our communities through the formed partnerships. The focus of this thrust is to build relationships with corporate, local, state and national partners to expand TLOD’s reach and maximize the range of service to the communities we serve.

Status of Women

The signature program of this thrust is “Back-to-Work,” an initiative that will impact women in the community who have been downsized, underemployed, or forced to rejoin the workforce and impact Teen unemployment through effective job preparation for entry level jobs. Another focus of this thrust, “I Will Survive,” brings awareness to our communities regarding the devastating impact that breast cancer has on African American women.

Community Beautification

The signature program of this thrust is “America the Beautiful,” an initiative that will impact residents of our communities by providing them with awareness and education of a simpler, healthier, and “earth” friendly lifestyle. The focus of this thrust is to maintain and enhance the communities in which we live through beautification, green living, sustainability, and the fostering of an eco-friendly lifestyle.